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STEM Students in classroom and in front of MEC Building

Campus Life at Gloucester

Student Government

RCSJ GLoucester Campus Student SGA Officers group shot on campus
​​​​​​​​The Student Government Association of Rowan College of South Jersey- Gloucester Campus is an organization designed to develop a variety of activities, events, and programs to enrich student life at the College. It is comprised of student members who serve the community to support meaningful and positive change.

2023 Gloucester Campus ​SGA Officers


​Simran Sharma
Major: Business Administration

Executive Vice President

Jaeden McMurtry
Major: Psychology

Vice President of Fundraising & Events

Coming soon
Major: ​

Vice President of Public Relations & Mar​keting

Coming soon

Chair of Fundraising and Events Committee


Coming soon

Chair of Club Outreach and Development Committee​

Coming soon
Major: ​

Contact SGA at RCSJ-Gloucester Campus​ on Instagram at ​​@RCSJ_SGA.
