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Commencement Time Change

Due to current weather reports, we have made the difficult decision to move the start time of both campus Commencement ceremonies to 10 a.m. on Thursday and Friday. We understand the strain this may put on you and your family’s schedules, but we hope to provide an enjoyable experience and one that does not need to be canceled entirely.

Commencement details can be found on the webpage at Graduates, please check your college email for detailed information.
View of RCSJ's Rastelli Business and Corporate building

Safety & Security at Cumberland

Tobacco Use

​​Parking Lots Only

The interior campus grounds are tobacco/smoke free. Tobacco product use is prohibited inside the perimeter campus road, including in, near or between campus buildings and all college athletic and receational fields and facilities. Tobacco use is only allowed in the lettered parking lots.

This policy applies to all students, as well as college employees, guests, and visitors. Fines and disciplinary sanctions can be imposed for violating tobacco use regulations.
