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Commencement Time Change
Due to current weather reports, we have made the difficult decision to move the start time of both campus Commencement ceremonies to 10 a.m. on Thursday and Friday. We understand the strain this may put on you and your family’s schedules, but we hope to provide an enjoyable experience and one that does not need to be canceled entirely.

Commencement details can be found on the webpage at Graduates, please check your college email for detailed information.

View of RCSJ's Rastelli Business and Corporate building

News Releases

Cumberland County College closes in advance of becoming Rowan College of South Jersey

VINELAND – Cumberland County College, on June 28, took another step toward its jointure with Rowan College at Gloucester County with a signing ceremony by the college’s Board of Trustees to close the 52-year-old institution.

State and local government officials, administrators, educators, civic and business leaders, and members of the Cumberland County College community gathered to witness the historic occasion. The jointure is the first of its kind in New Jersey.

The signing was followed by a preview of what will become, on July 1, one regional, dual-campus institution known as Rowan College of South Jersey.

Cumberland County College and Rowan College at Gloucester County have each earned reputations for being at the forefront of education for more than five decades. By redefining the structure of higher education, Rowan College South Jersey will benefit students, residents and employers by offering greater opportunities, more choices, and enhanced learning experiences.

With the combining of the two colleges, Rowan College of South Jersey students will benefit from more full-time faculty, more laboratories, and the potential for increased scholarship opportunities.

“This jointure will allow the Cumberland campus to combine its programs and opportunities with another strong community college--Rowan College at Gloucester County,” said Dr. Shelly Schneider, Cumberland’s interim president. “We are fortunate to have dedicated faculty and staff to help prepare our students for their future. This certainly was a team effort from both sides—with each county’s freeholders, the trustee boards, and members of our school communities.

“I look forward to hearing of the many successes that will come as a result of the vision of all those involved,” she added.

The merger will bring to Rowan College of South Jersey more than 120 combined, unique degree and certification programs—9 of which are fully online. Students residing in Cumberland or Gloucester counties will not pay out-of-county fees, regardless of which campus they select.

An innovative “3+1” partnership with Rowan University will make earning a bachelor’s degree more affordable by allowing students in select majors to complete their first three years at the community college cost, and their final year at the university rate. The program follows Rowan University course curriculum with 300-level classes taught by Rowan College of South Jersey advanced-degree faculty.

Rowan College South Jersey students will have access to the “Rowan Work & Learn” program which features internship opportunities and stackable credentials that prepare graduates to enter high-demand career fields.

The merger is projected to stimulate future economic growth for Cumberland and Gloucester counties with the creation of South Jersey’s only EDs, MEDs and Commerce Corridor along Route 55 which, with community partners, will offer education, medical and workforce training programs.

“On July 1, Cumberland County College and Rowan College at Gloucester County will merge to mark an important milestone in the history of our state community colleges—the creation of a regional college in southern New Jersey,” stated Dr. Frederick Keating, president of Rowan College at Gloucester County. “The merger of these two community colleges, in conjunction with an expanded 10-year premier partnership agreement with Rowan University, leads the way to a future filled with diverse and one-of-a-kind educational opportunities. Together these two campuses will provide students with a variety of degree selections, cost-saving initiatives, and scholarship and internship opportunities, at one of the lowest tuition rates in the state.”

Consider becoming one of the first Rowan College of South Jersey students. We can help students follow their dreams and get started on a rewarding career pathway. Log onto for more information.
