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Students getting advisement from Rowan College staff

Advisement at Gloucester

Priority Registration for Student Athletes​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Priority Athlete Registration Event
on March 10th, 11th, and 12th

You must register by March 6th for this event.


The Athlete Registration Event is an on-campus event and will take place in the Advising Suite located in the Student Services Building. Appointment slots per hour are limited each day, so make your appointment early. If you are unable to meet either of these three days, then please follow up with your assigned academic advisor.

The first day for all students to register for
Summer and Fall courses is March 17th!


Pay close attention to the due date of your bill! Be sure that you pay your bill by the due date(s) posted on the RCSJ Portal. View Payment Deadlines


When you register, you owe a bill.  If you do not plan to attend classes, drop your classes before the first day of the semester to avoid being charged.

Students can pay their bills online as follows:

  1. Sign in to your RCSJ Portal account.
  2. Click on the Academics tab.
  3. Click on Account Summary by Term link under the View or Pay My Bill heading.
  4. Full payment can be made by clicking the Make Full Payment link at the bottom of the page. A payment plan can be accessed by clicking the Payment Plan link.


The Application for Graduation is now accessible online in the RCSJ Portal.​

  • If you plan to graduate in Spring 2025, you can complete the online application between October 14, 2024 and March 7, 2025
  • If you plan to graduate in Summer (early) 2025, you can complete the online application between Feb 17th and May 30, 2025.
  • If you plan to graduate in Summer (late) 2025, you can complete the online application between February 17th and August 22, 2025.
*Students who wish to be considered for the President's Award Recognition must have their application for graduation submitted by March 7, 2025

To access the online Application for Graduation - Students wishing to apply for graduation can do so by logging into the RCSJ Portal. Once there, you should be on the My Campus page. If not, please click the three horizontal lines on the top left corner of the page and select, "MyCampus." Then scroll the page until you see the heading labeled, "Graduation Tools" and click the link labeled, "Apply to Graduate."​

We look forward to seeing you soon!
