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Safety & Security at Gloucester

​​​​​​​​​Crisis Links​

Center for Counseling and Wellness Services

Security Services

​​​In order to provide a safe and welcoming community environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors, the campus Safety and Security Department provides an array of services for the Gloucester County Educational Campus. These services include, but are not limited to: a campus-escort program, a lost and found repository, stranded motorist assistance, vehicle registration and parking information, as well as crime prevention tips.

The Campus Safety and Security Department is also responsible for the blue-light emergency telephone system, video-surveillance systems, electronic-access control card readers, burglar and door alarms and sensors, and key features of the security technology program located in buildings throughout the campus.

Campus Escort

To contact a security office for an escort to a building or car, call 856-681-6287 or use the emergency blue-light phones located throughout the campus.

Escorts are available to shuttle students, faculty, staff, and visitors on the campus grounds. Response times will vary depending on the accessibility of security officers.

Lost & Found

To make a report of a lost article or see if missing property has been turned in, stop by the College Center Security Office (entrance A-8) or call extension 6210. Lost and found services can also be accessed by the blue-light phone system installed on campus. Items may be discarded at the end of each academic term.

Lost and found property assistance is available: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00​ p.m., Monday – Friday.

Stranded motorist 

To contact Campus Safety and Security officers for assistance with disable vehicles, call 856-681-6287 or use one of the blue-light phones located on campus. Campus security officers are not equipped to handle automobile lockouts, mechanical failures or dead batteries, but will provide a telephone to make calls and wait with the motorist until the situation is resolved.

Blue Light 

To report a potential safety hazard, suspicious activity, request help or a campus escort, use the College's lighted emergency phones to automatically dial for assistance. The College's 36 emergency telephones are connected to the Gloucester County 9-1-1 Center and the Campus Safety and Security Department.

Press the blue button to contact the Campus Safety and Security Department for:

  • questions
  • escort requests
  • suspicious activities
  • crime
  • medical assistance
  • abandoned vehicles or parking violations
  • safety hazards

Press the red button to connect to the Gloucester County 9-1-1 Center for emergency medical, police or fire services for: 

  • police officer assistance (e.g., assaults, kidnapping, burglaries, domestic disputes, motor vehicle theft, auto accidents, etc.)
  • ambulance for medical assistance
  • fire
  • crime in progress
  • suspicious, criminal activity in progress (e.g., alarms, shots fired, shouts for help, sounds of glass breaking, theft)

​Identification Card​

Students, staff and faculty are required to possess a valid Rowan College photo identification card. ID cards are available at the library with proof of enrollment. Report all lost, damaged or stolen identification cards immediately to the campus Security Office. There is a replacement charge of $10. ID cards must be in possession at all times while on campus.

Video Surveillance System 

There are currently more than 100 cameras located on the Rowan College campus. The College's state-of-the-art electronic video surveillance system monitors and records 24-hours a day, seven days a week all campus activities in public areas. The cameras help to deter crime and assist safety and security department personnel.
