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Student Life at Gloucester

Giving Tree

Together, let's make every child's holiday
Merry and Bright!

This year marks the 11th Annual Giving Tree, where RCSJ students, staff, and faculty come together to gather gifts for local families in need. Stop by the Student Life office upstairs in College Center 203 to visit the Giving Tree and help spread holiday cheer! 

How does the Giving Tree Work?

Each ornament is marked with a child's information and what they would love to get for the holidays.

  1. Choose an ornament off of the tree and sign it out at the front desk beginning Monday, November 25
  2. Buy the item
  3. Bring the unwrapped gift (along with the ornament) to the Student Life office (CC203) no later than Friday, December 13
  4. Brighten a child's Holiday


This project is sponsored by the Student Government Association in collaboration with the Offices of Student Life and People in Transition.
