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​​What is RCSJ's 3+1 program?

Save on tuition and fees by completing your first 3 years at the community college cost (Rowan College - Gloucester) and the final year at the university rate (Rowan University). At least 30 credits of a bachelor’s degree program must be completed at Rowan University for the degree to be awarded. This is a Rowan University requirement. 

Earn a Bachelor's Degree at Rowan University

3+1 students have a seamless transfer to Rowan University for the senior year of the bachelor’s degree. For more information about the senior year visit Rowan University's  Bachelor of Arts in Computing and Informatics page.

Complete your junior year at RCSJ
Rowan College South Jersey follows Rowan University's course curriculum with 300-level classes taught by Rowan College South Jersey's advanced-degree faculty.  These classes transfer to Rowan University and meet requirements for the third year of the program.​​

Students must first complete the following RCSJ degree: Cybersecurity A.S.​

Students who successfully complete an advanced degree will qualify for employment as:

  • Programmers
  • Infrastructure Administrators
  • Software QA / Testing Engineers
  • Computer Service Coordinators
  • Complete your junior year at RCSJ

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