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The Gloucester Campus will delay opening until 10:00 am on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. The Cumberland Campus will be CLOSED.
The Gloucester Campus will delay opening until 10:00 am on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.  
The Cumberland Campus will be CLOSED on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.  
Essential personnel should contact their supervisor for guidance. Please check the RCSJ homepage at for up-to-date information.
STEM Students in classroom and in front of MEC Building

Financial Aid at Cumberland

Call to Action… Help With

​​​Struggling in a class, deciding on a major, general academic concerns?

General Advising 



RCSJ also has specialized advising and resources to meet students where they are, visit the programs below to see how you can benefit.


The New Jersey Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) provides financial assistance and support services (e.g. counseling, tutoring, and developmental course work) to students from educationally and economically disadvantaged backgrounds who attend participating institutions of higher education in the State of New Jersey.

Cumberland & Gloucester


 Student Support Services is a federally funded educational opportunity outreach program designed to empower students to succeed and achieve academic excellence. TRIO, SSS provides free services to help motivate and support students in their pursuit of a college degree. 


This program is funded by the National Science Foundation to support students interested in STEM careers, from high school to RCSJ to University and Career Entry.


Department of Special Services

Rowan College of South Jersey at Cumberland is committed to ensuring equal access to all physical and academic environments. If you believe you are eligible for accommodations or special services, the Department of Special Services (DSS) is the place to begin.



Academic Calendar 

Gloucester & Cumberland

Being a student can impact all areas of your life, at RCSJ we have resources to help you succeed in and outside of the classroom. Stop in at one of our dedicated support centers, or click the links to learn more!

Career and Internship Planning

Through individualized advisement, exploration of resources, and opportunities for experiential education, we work to introduce career pathways and employment opportunities to students and alumni, ultimately preparing them for postgraduate and workforce success.
Gloucester & Cumberland

ESL Support

Do you speak a language other than English in your home? Are you more comfortable using a language other than English? Did you attend high school in a country other than the United States? Do you find it difficult to communicate in spoken or written English? If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you may be a good candidate for RCSJ's ESL programming.

Gloucester & Cumberland


The Center for Wellness and Support (CWS) assists currently enrolled students experiencing life stressors, such as difficulty adjusting to college or life transitions, homelessness, family problems, substance use issues, emergency food assistance, energy assistance, childcare help, domestic violence, and/or navigating health insurance needs. Staff will work with students to provide referrals for on- and off-campus support and ongoing case management to facilitate personal growth.

Gloucester & Cumberland


FREE Tutoring and Supplemental Instruction is available to all RCSJ-Cumberland students. We offer on-campus tutoring as well as virtual tutoring using Zoom as our video conferencing platform. Zoom is free and can be used from a laptop or cellphone.



Foundation Scholarships



Financial Aid



Payment Dates

Gloucester & Cumberland

Payment Plans




NJ Transit Student Bus Pass

Cumberland & Gloucester

Family Shelter



Acenda Integrated Health



Child Care Assistance

Gloucester​ & Cumberland

Still Stuck?
Contact one of our RCSJ CTE Specialists today with questions and/or concerns.

Cumberland Campus
Joyce Pugh CTE Perkins Specialist, 856-200-4572

Gloucester Campus
Elaine Dean Career and Technical Education Specialist, 856-494-5677

Gloucester; Cumberland