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Safety & Security at Gloucester

​​​​​​​​​Crisis Links​

Center for Counseling and Wellness Services

Safety & Security

​​​​​​​​​​​​​The wellbeing of students and employees is a top priority at Rowan College South Jersey's Gloucester campus. ​​The Department of Safety and Security works diligently to provide a safe environment for all members ​​​of the college community 24 hours a day, s​even days a week. Continual patrols, a campus-wide emergency phone system ​and an escort service are only a few of the resources available through the Department of Safety and Security.

​​​​​​Quick Links​​​​
Alerts & Notifications Reports & References​

    ​​​Campus Security
    Safety & Security Department
    • Hours: Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 11 p.m. / Saturday classes
    • Phone (on-campus): Ext. 4444
    • Phone (off-campus): 856-464-5207
    Sheriff's Office On Campus