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Library at Gloucester


Articles & More

Gloucester Campus  Library Catalog​​

​​Databases by Subject​​

All Subjects


Video Streaming

Art & Performing Arts


Biography​ ​&​ Reference​





Communications and Mass Media (Gale)- articles on advertising, public relations, and linguistics ​​

Criminal Justice and Law

  • Criminal Justice Database (ProQuest) - articles and reports on crime, corrections, law enforcement, litigation, and criminal justice ​
  • Legal Information Reference Center (EBSCO)- practical consumer and small business legal reference information, including legal forms
  • Criminal Justice (Gale)- articles on law, law enforcement, terrorism, homeland security, forensic science, and more
  • LegalTrac (Gale)) - academic articles from law reviews, bar association journals, and international legal journals
  • Lexis +  (LexisNexis) - restricted access via password to paralegal students only

Culinary Arts

Current Events & Social Issues (see also News)


​Education, Career & Jobs


Foreign Languages​




Hospitality & Tourism


  • Bloom's Literature  (Infobase Learning) - overview information on literary works, authors, movements, and themes
  • Gale Literature  (Gale)
  • Gale Lit​Finder (Gale)- full text novels, short stories, poems, speeches, and plays
  • JSTOR Databases​: Arts & Sciences I and Language & Literature (JSTOR)​- all scholarly content--Expanded access to journals and primary sources extended to June 30, 2022
  • Literary Reference Center  (EBSCO) - plot summaries, essays and articles of literary criticism, and author biographies



​​Nursing, Medicine, & Allied H​ealth

Pop Culture



​Science & Technology​


Test Preparation
